Blog 13

I view beauty as something that makes you do a double take, is breathtaking and leaves you speechless. Something beautiful is anything that you admire and you are impressed and makes you wonder how anything could look so gorgeous. Amstrong states, “To regard beauty as a luxury adornment or a social signifier was to miss the true potential of the experience.” Meaning no money in the world should be able to buy beauty. Beauty has too much meaning and it is easy to get caught up in money. Beauty is nowhere near connected to social class and it is not a luxury abdorment. Schiller said that if you if you do take beauty as a luxury adornment then you “miss the true potential of the experience, because for him the point of beauty is to elevate the soul.” It is important not to miss the true potential of viewing beauty. Our society views beauty in many different ways. Everyone has different tastes, likings and opinions. I believe our society views beauty as being perfect. Beauty is looked as a flawless object and nothing needs to be different about it. It is important to remember that even non perfect things are beautiful and being unique is even better. Beauty should be appreciated no matter what, even if it has some flaws.  


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