Blog 10

In the Article The Future to Science…is Arts talks about how crucials it is that science needs art in order to explain science. Jonah Lehrer’s wants to connect art and science and said that getting art perspective in the science world can help get new insights and even gain scientific progress. Lehrer gives many examples of scientist who have experiments but they still have unanswered questions. He believes maybe art could help with this problem. It is hard to believe that art can be connected with science because they both are complete opposites. Art might be the key answer of benefitting and answering the questions in science. When we use art different parts of the brain are activated causing our emotions to evoke. This can be used to solve scientific problems in a different way. Lehrer also talked about an idea called the “third culture”. This is when art and science communicate with one another and connect art into science completely. Lehrer has some very interesting ideas and I think if we tried them we could have a chance for it to work.


Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle: a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle, known as a complementary variables, can be known.

“The bridging principle” : Seeing how things are the same and different within the same problem.

Reductionism: a property as it is experienced as distinct from any source it might have in a physical object

Synapse: the point at which a nervous impulse passes from one neuron to another

Epiphenomenon: a secondary effect or byproduct that arises from but does not causally influence a process, in particular.

Holistic perspective: Interested in engaging and developing the person as a whole.

Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them

I looked up Brain Greene who is an American theoretical physicist, mathematician, string theorist and a scientist. Greene is one of the scientists that agrees that art can be used in science and that it is very important. Greene is willing to incorporate art into science and progress from it.

I looked up Samuel Taylor Coleridge who is an artist and wrote poetry about “the mind’s self experience in the act of thinking.” Coleridge thinks about the science of the mind before it was even a proposed concept. This supposts Lehrer’s point that science needs art and art needs science.

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